Recommended Stories

New works of interactive fiction appear almost weekly, and many are suitable for use with students aged eleven through eighteen. Here, we’ll offer a ”Top Seventy” list and, in other sections of this site, we’ll present information on teaching with six particular stories, Arthur, The Firebird, Photopia, Winter Wonderland, The Enterprise Incidents, and Lost Pig.


 As you might expect, there are many more stories that are good for use with older students — college undergraduates, for example. Among these are Violet by Jeremy Freese (2008), Anchorhead by Micheal Gentry (1998), The King of Threads and Patches by Jimmy Maher (2009), Blue Lacuna by Aaron Reed 2008), Coloratura by Lynnea Glasser (2013), Counterfeit Monkey by Emily short, and Hadean Lands by Andrew Plotkin (2014).

For very young students, including early readers, you might try these titles:

“Snack Time” by Renee Choba
“The Sleeping Princess” by Molly Engleberg, Mark Engleberg, and Alex Engleberg
“It” by Emily Boegheim
“Santa’s Sleigh Ride” by Molly Geene
“The Paper Bag Princess” by Adri Mills
Mrs. Pepper’s Nasty Secret by Jim Aiken and Eric Eve
The Lost Islands of Alabaz by Michael Gentry
Six by Wade Clark
Lost Pig by Admiral Jota

The Interactive Fiction Database offers readers’ ratings of hundreds of interactive stories. Most of these are quite reliable, though you should be skeptical of works that have high average ratings, based on a very small number of responses.